The Story of Timeqube in pictures

Written by Andy

End of Year 2018

First happy customer gets their Timeqube.

November 2018

Finishing up the final version of Timeqube involving last material touches, battery reliability and overall user interface.

October 2018

First 0.9 Timeqube is born! This is the closest we ever got to the final customer product. The team is still working on details as well as start extensive testing.


September 2018

September was the hottest month for the product and its heart – the Printed Circuit Board. Hardware team in Zielona Góra worked in weekly sprints with Andy the founder and designer to reach planned prototyping stage by Early October. 


August 2018

The month of change. We started cooperating with the ZG Team -The hardware team in Zielona Góra with WhatsApp as our tool of choice for remote project management.  Everything was basically started from scratch here with an aim to end up with a Ready to Manufacture Prototype around September / October. 


June-July 2018

Working with students in Kraków on product renders and first prototyping boards. Guys did a great job at this early stage. We did 2 trips to Kraków and worked together from local Hackerspace trying to finalise the feature set.


April – May

Andy meets Mathias and Mikołaj at local startup event in Warsaw called Reaktor Warsaw. Soon the team starts working together on the business fundaments while Andy is pitching the idea around.


Jan – March 2018

Andy does the coming out with his idea – Timeqube. Based on a simple prototype made out of cube-shaped lamp bought off Ali Express. The idea catches on publicity on Facebook and is a direct trigger for Andy to move on with the project.

banerek timeqube min

Late 2017

3 years later, Andy converts his idea into the first ever prototype. He does this with his friend Patrick who knows his ways with Raspberry PI and Arduino. 


Somewhere 2014

The idea of Timeqube is born while Andy is working  as the team lead for a Mobile Ops team in a global enterprise.

andrzej sqr