Productivity at work is one of the most coveted skills of the 21st century. Yet, tried and tested workplace productivity tips never seem to work! Some are way too demanding (Apple CEO Tim Cook says you should start your day at 3.45am), others are unsustainable (would you really work out TWICE a day, daily?), and the rest are downright strange (nudity and productivity? We’re skeptical). That’s why we’ve created our own list of workplace productivity tips that actually work!
Productivity Tip 1: Use Pockets of Time
Workplace productivity starts the moment you leave your house for work — that means taking advantage of commute time. Even if you take just 15 minutes to get to work, that adds up to 60 hours a year! If you drive to work, you can use the trip to listen to podcasts or the news. Information always helps put our work in context and truly understand the markets/clients we deal with! If you take public transport, then it’s time to put Instagram away. Whether it’s reading an ebook suited to your nature of work or simply clearing your emails on the train, 15 minutes of transport can make a huge difference.
Productivity Tip 2: Strive for Accuracy and Precision
Back in college, I’m sure we all knew that one person who went to all the parties, studied less than everyone — but still graduated at the top of the class. That’s because they knew exactly what they needed to do and how to do it best, in the shortest period of time. It’s no different in the workplace. Productivity comes with accuracy and precision: single out the task that needs to be done, resolve it in the most efficient way possible and get it right the first time!
Productivity Tip 3: Take Breaks (but not too many!)
When you eat a ton of ice cream, the marginal enjoyment you get out of each subsequent ice cream decreases consistently. This principle applies to work as well! The more work you do without a break, your productivity rate decreases more and more. This is extremely dangerous as it could even lead to burn-out! Try working in blocks of time, and taking a fixed duration of breaks.
Productivity Tip 4: Stay Hydrated
At least 60% of your body consists of water, so if you don’t get enough your body can’t function at its best. Dehydration causes fatigue, stifles productivity and hinders creativity.
Productivity Tip 5: Treat Yourself
Reward yourself for getting tasks done on time — maybe a bar of chocolate, an extra 10-minute break, or something more indulgent for lunch… whatever gets you excited!
Productivity Tip 6: Create a Playlist
Music can be a great driver of productivity, but it can also be a distraction! Through trial and error, find the genres, artists or songs that keep you the most productive at work. Spotify even has a “Focus” genre so you can start exploring from their picks!
Productivity Tip 7: Quit Multitasking
We’ve said it time and time again… multitasking will get you nowhere. Do one task at a time, get it right, and move to the next.
Productivity Tip 8: Seek External Motivation
It can be tough pursuing productivity on your own, so there’s nothing wrong in getting some outside help. Productivity tools like Timequbes are great supporters of efficient, time-conscious work. Alternatively, you can form a productivity pair by getting a coworker to join you.
Productivity Tip 9: Stay Organized
Mess has a huge psychological toll on workplace productivity. Not only do we spend more time searching for items and feeling muddled, but having a huge stack of papers on your desk is an undeniable distraction. Allocate just 5 minutes each morning to organize your desk — you’ll feel fresh, focused and ready to start the day!
Productivity Tip 10: Smile
The last and most important workplace productivity tip is to smile! Productivity best comes from a happy place so when you channel your positive energy into work, you’ll see immense returns. Even if you do slip up and get distracted (we all have those moments), it’s important to smile, move on, and get back into a rhythm of productivity.