Healing Through Animal-Assisted Therapy

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Written by Mikolaj Skubina

Healing from trauma is a deeply personal experience that varies greatly from person to person. Among the many methods of therapy available today, animal-assisted therapy stands out for its gentle yet profound impact. This approach uses the comforting presence of animals, their unconditional acceptance, and their empathetic nature to help individuals process and heal from trauma. In this article, we’ll explore how forming connections with animals can be a transformative and soothing force in the journey toward recovery.

Trauma can leave lasting emotional scars, affecting a person’s ability to trust, engage, and enjoy life’s simple moments. While traditional talk therapy is effective, it isn’t the only path to recovery. Animal-assisted therapy offers a unique alternative, utilizing the therapeutic qualities of animals to enhance emotional well-being. Animals are inherently non-judgmental and present-focused, which makes them excellent companions for those struggling to move past traumatic events. Let’s dive into how nurturing relationships with animals can help heal the human spirit and support the path to recovery.

Rebuilding Trust

Regaining trust is often a significant hurdle for trauma survivors. Animals, with their straightforward and predictable behaviors, can serve as ideal partners in this process. For instance, a dog that consistently wags its tail upon seeing you can reinforce a sense of dependability and safety, helping to alleviate fears of betrayal or harm.

Cultivating Empathy

Interacting with animals requires tuning in to their non-verbal cues and understanding their needs, which fosters empathy. This shift of focus from one’s own troubles to the care of another being can be healing for trauma survivors. It helps them reconnect with their emotions and nurture a sense of empathy, which might have been suppressed by their traumatic experiences.

Boosting Self-Esteem

Taking care of animals and achieving small goals together can significantly enhance self-esteem. Whether it’s teaching a dog a new trick or gaining a horse’s trust for grooming, each success provides a tangible sense of accomplishment. For someone healing from trauma, these moments are crucial in rebuilding confidence and self-worth.

Offering Comfort

Animals have a special ability to offer comfort and reduce anxiety simply through their presence. Activities like petting or cuddling can lower cortisol levels and boost the production of serotonin and dopamine, which are chemicals associated with improved mood.

Encouraging Positive Touch

Trauma can sometimes make physical touch daunting. Animals offer a gentle way for individuals to rediscover touch as a source of comfort, not fear. The act of stroking or holding an animal can reintroduce touch as a positive, soothing experience, helping to mend one of the deepest scars left by trauma.


Animal-assisted therapy provides a compassionate route to recovery for those impacted by trauma. The unconditional love and acceptance that animals offer create a safe environment for trauma survivors to express their feelings, rebuild trust, and regain a sense of security. By connecting with animals, individuals find not just a supportive ally in their recovery but also rediscover joy and hope. This therapy highlights the powerful bond between humans and animals as a source of profound healing and lasting emotional growth.