Mindful Mondays: Sound Bath Meditation

Written by Trisha Bhullar


Here at Timeqube, we’ve talked about countless types of mindful exercises — from chakra meditation to mindful breathing practises — but perhaps none as fascinating as sound bath meditation. This guide will give you a quick introduction to sound bath meditation, including how it works and why it could be great for you.

What is sound bath meditation?

Sound bath meditation is essentially a form of meditation that heavily relies on the calming nature of sound. While you enter a deep meditative state, you will be enveloped in ambient noise.

The roots of sound bath meditation

Surprisingly, sound bath meditation isn’t a modern form of mindfulness. In fact, music has been used as a tool for calming and clarity for thousands of years. One example would be the “sound vibrations” used in ancient Greece to aid physical ailments and relieve stress. Ultimately, the beauty of music and its ability to soothe nerves could be said to transcend time.


What are the benefits of sound bath meditation?

Let’s first talk about the general benefits of meditation. Meditation is a great way to manage stress, promote clarity, improve your emotional health and even alleviate physical discomfort. It’s a common mental health booster that’s used to counter the stress of the modern age. Beyond these basic benefits, sound meditation specifically brings a whole world of perks.

Studies have shown that music has a proven effect on reducing stress. It reduces blood pressure, slows your pulse, improves digestion and calms your nerves. As such, sound meditation is a great healer. It’s a restorative exercise that everyone should give a try.

How it works

Just like how exercise classes have barbells or weights, sound meditation classes have instruments. These instruments differ across classes and instructors. You might find oboes, gongs, cymbals, or even crystal bowls. Due to the flexibility and range of instruments to choose from, you could even practise this at home.

How do you pick an instrument for this form of meditation? Each instrument makes a unique frequency. By shifting from instruments with one frequency to another, you can truly experience the full range of restoration from sound bath meditation. Even if you pick a certain type of instrument, some experts believe that the various types of material can influence your experience. For example, sound bath meditation with crystal bowls could have different effects across different crystal types.

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A step-by-step guide

Although meditation routines depend on your tastes and preferences, here’s a general routine for beginners to follow.

  1. Start your meditation with a quick warm-up. Begin with basic mindful meditation or breathing exercises. This involves clearing your mind, acknowledging the present and simply experiencing the moment without distraction.
  2. When you’ve reached a more relaxed, comfortable state, start using your chosen instrument. Beginners might be most comfortable with instruments they already have experience using.
  3. Practise this form of meditation for 10-15 minutes, then transition to another exercise and revisit this again later.

To get the most out of your sound bath meditation experience, customise your meditation environment to give yourself better focus. This means adjusting lighting, sound and even introducing mindful tools for focus, such as a Timeqube.

Hearing is healing!

Sound bath meditation is a unique meditation form that could truly spice up your life while helping you enjoy the benefits of mindful living. Give it a go today!